Doonia is One-stop booking platform that facilitates providers and their consumers with a variety of features such as booking engines, marketplaces, trusted review systems, mobile application, and others.


Payment Gateway

We integrate with payment gateway such as Paypal, Ipaymu, Midtrans, Doku, Ipay88, Xendit, etc.

Multi User & Multi Venue

Available to invite more user with different privillege/role to access multi venue.

Eazy Integration

Eazy to integrate the booking engine/widget to any different platform by just copy and paste the script provided

Booking Widget

Cloud booking widget can be attached following the existing design/structure of the client site. We can choose popup widget or inpage widget mode.

Google Map Integration

Vendor's customers will get more good experiences with Google Map Integration.

Channel Manager

We connect to existing channel manager to manage data communication between platform in easy way.


We have a marketplace where the data from our User will listed, and they will get more order directly.

Custom Website

User can get custom website for free by choosing web template provided.

For more information, please contact us at
hello[at], or Whatsapp +62 823 4192 6303
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